On Tuesday 29th July we all went along to FK school to witness their first EVER prize giving at the end of term. When I arrived I was asked to be guest of honor and help present the prizes to the kids who had done well in school, improved the most and been the tidiest! It was such fun! The best bit was when Nicemary and Matayo received prizes as the whole school erupted into applause and wolf whistles! Good to see that our TFFT kids were the most popular in school! We then went up to the board house and helped get the kids organized for being picked up, we filled our car with metal trunks and kids and drove them up to Mama Mikes. She is such a star, and her chai is arusha famous!
It was heart breaking however to have to leave the triplets and Stefano at school, I remember the end of term and the excitement of watching every car come into the school and the disappointment that it wasn’t mum, this is 10 times worse as mum is never coming, they were in floods of tears, it was awful! We need to find them a home, but taking on three children is a lot to ask, and we do not want them split up…so yesterday after lunch we went to pick the four of them up and brought them home-it was chaos! We colored in, we played ball outside, we cooked up a feast, played ‘Go Fish’. Poor Yusufu ate so much that he felt sick! It was like Christmas in the TFFT house!
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